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“The most important aspect of any successful relationship is that we have a consistent team who do a very good job.”

Helping both clients and candidates makes us who we are and the reputation we would like to think we have in both instances


We’re solution focused and Love what we do

Loving what you do, it is one of the keys to success they say, and we can say this about ourselves. We focus on what we love which is help both clients and candidates meet, start working, progress and develop together. By understanding the clients needs thoroughly and with details we are able to attract the right candidate to fit in the clients need.

For our Clients

We listen to your hiring challenges, understand them, and offer a suite of customised solutions designed to meet your hiring goals. We’re not just thinkers, we’re doers and provide you with a blueprint to attract and engage with the right staff to keep your business running on the same level as if they were a part of your core team, in some cases take your business to the next level.

We know what good looks like

Hiring the right people is harder than ever before, but we’ve got the industry expertise to understand who will suit each role, so that your service to your client goes unnoticed when changes in the background take place. Being able to rely on the good quality staff when you need them most and the customer service provided by us to you with openness, transparency and realistic solutions.

We’ve got the credibility

It is people’s business where people meet and work with the ones they know, like and trust. We accept there is an abundance of choice available to companies hiring. Naturally, at Magnet Recruitment, we think there is only one choice, a vision borne out by earning the ongoing respect from many partners.                                                                                                            Sincerely Magnet Recruitment


Company Number: 13346888

VAT No.: 38846132

Our Partner My Wage assures payroll and payslips are delivered to our candidates at all times on time

Our CRM Security System provided by Seven20 assures that all GDPR and data base of our clients and candidates is stored securely via SalesForce worlds no.1 CRM System